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Balslev Gruppen

Kristine Hardeberg

Author, art historian and communicator of the art of life Kristine Hardeberg is an author

Kristine Hardeberg is an author, art historian and communicator of the art of living.
She has spent many years in France and the United States, and shorter stays all over the world, but now lives in Norway. She holds lectures/courses on art history physically and online.

About Kristine T. G. Hardeberg, our customers say:
'More than very good! Fantastic communicator'

'Super beautiful and very knowledgeable lady.'

'Inspiring and skilled!'

'She is a pleasant person and a skilled communicator. She knows her trade, she knows Florence.'

Kristine Hardeberg - reiseleder for Temareiser Fredrikstad
Kommende reiser
05.11.25 - 10.11.25
Kristine T.G. Hardeberg
Florence — In the footsteps of the Renaissance
26 650